About Me

I am a convert to the Catholic faith.  I was raised and baptized in the Church of Christ.  By God's grace I was confirmed in the Catholic Church on April 7, 2007 at the Easter Vigil Mass.  I have no formal theology degree or background.  I am simply passionate about Christ's One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. 


You can contact me at tynerjackson@icloud.com

About the Website


At CatholicFidelity.com it is our mission to faithfully serve Christ's Church by defending Her truth.  I have sought to bring together many of the best apologetic sources in one place and arrange them in a topical manner across several different types of media (articels, videos, audio, presentations, recommended books, and more).  I have made every effort to cite the orginial authors of each article.  Many of the articles on the site do not contain links to the original articles. I apologize for this and hope that a thorough citation of the author's name will suffice for now.  Very little on this site is original to me so I want to make sure and give credit where credit is due.  I have also tried to obtain permission for any author's material that I have used.  If I failed in doing so I again apologize and will be more than happy to correct the situation.  My only goal is to make the best apologetical resources more easliy available.


Two thousand years ago Pilate asked Jesus "What is truth?" (John 18:38).  This question still rings as loudly today as it did then.  For those who are searching for the truth, my prayer is that the resources here will help you on your journey to discover the only Love that truly satisfies.  For those who have already found the "Pearl of Great Price" this website is intended to help provide you with resources for defending, explaining, and promoting the truth of Jesus Christ and His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.

Finally, I trust the divinely established authority of the magisterium of the Catholic Church to impart to me the full revelation of Jesus Christ as first deposited to the apostles and gratefully submit the contents of this website to its authority.   In all things may Christ be glorified.


Your Brother in Christ,
Ty Jackson