Justification & Salvation
Reflections on Judgment and Sufficient Knowledge for Salvation by Dave Armstrong
The Church Fathers and Once Saved Not Always Saved by Joe Gallegos
Catholic and Reformed Conceptions of the Atonement by Bryan Cross
List of New Testament Scriptures that Show you can lose your slavation my Matt1618
Grace and Predestination by Padro
Predestination, Salvation, and Damnation: Calvinism and Catholicism Contrasted
The Church's Teaching on Justification by Catholics United for the Faith
Reply to James White on Romans 4 and Justification by Ben Douglass
Sola Gratia, Solo Christo, and the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Justification by Richard A. White
Aquinas on Instant and Progressive Justification by Bryan Cross
Preternatural gifts and the supernatural gift of grace by Taylor Marshall
The Order of Justification in Thomas Aquinas by Taylor Marshall
The Mechanics of Sin and Redemption in Catholic Theology by Taylor Marshall
δικαιόω, a morphological, lexical and historical analysis by David Pell
Sola Fide
Is Sola Fide a Legitimate Development of Patristic and Augustinian Soteriology by Dave Armstrong
The Church Fathers on Salutary Works Require Grace by Joe Gallegos
Does St. Jerome Teach Justification by Faith Alone by Taylor Marshall