Click here to download any of the files listed below.
- Bishop Robert Morlino - Creed What Do We Believe
- Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 6
- Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 7
- Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 8
- Fr. John Corapi - Teachings of Jesus 16
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 1 (We Believe)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 2 (We Believe In One God, Part 1)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 3 (We Believe In One God, Part 2)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 4 (God The Father)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 5 (The Father Almighty)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 6 (Maker Of Heaven And Earth)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 7 (The Only Son Of God)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 8 (Eternally Begotten Of The Father)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 9 (Born Of The Virgin Mary)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 10 (Suffered Under Pontius Pilate)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 11 (He Descended To The Dead)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 12 (On The Third Day He Rose)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 13 (He Ascended Into Heaven)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 14 (He Will Come Again To Judge)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 15 (We Believe In The Holy Spirit)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 16 (The Holy Catholic Church)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 17 (The Communion Of Saints)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 18 (The Forgiveness Of Sins)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 19 (He Resurrection Of The Body)
- Fr. Pablo Straub - Nicene Creed 20 (Life Everlasting)
- Steve Ray - Catholic Creeds Why We Need Them