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- Anointing of the Sick
- Annointing of the Sick by John
- Anointing of the Sick by Catholic Answers
- Anointing of the Sick in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Anointing the Sick, A Parish Sacrament by Thomas Richstatter
- Biblical Evidence For the Sacrament of Anointing by Dave Armstrong
- For Our Healing by Woodene Koeing-Bricker
- Sacraments of Healing by Tony Tamberino
- The Sacrament of the Annointing of the Sick by Pope Paul VI
- Extreme Unction by New Advent Encyclopdeia Part 1
- Extreme Unction by New Advent Encyclopdeia Part 2
- The Church Fathers and Annointing of the Sick by Joe Gallegos
- Anti-Catholicism
- Bible Quizzes to a Street Preacher by Fr. Chas. M. Carty and Rev. Dr. L. Rumble.doc
- Church and State, The New Anti-Catholicism by Philip Jenkins
- Dismantling The Da Vinci Code by Sandra Miesel
- Doctrines of Demons by James Akin
- Fox's Acts and Monuments By Richard Clarke.doc
- Is Catholicism Half-Pagan
- Is Christmas a Pagan Feast by Catholics United for the Faith
- Is the Roman Catholic Church Christian by John (Webmaster of Ecclesia Militans)
- Was Catholicism the Avowed Enemy of the Bible by Dave Armstrong
- The Cross and the Crucifix by Steve Ray
- Virgin and Statue Worship Quizzes to a Street Preacherby Fr. Chas. M. Carty Rev. and Dr. L. Rumble
- Graven Images by Matt1618
- Authority
- An Introduction to Development of Doctrine by Dave Armstrong
- Apostolic Succession
- Authority in the Church by Sean M. Brooks
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- Compelling Biblical Evidence Against Denominations and Primary vs Secondary Doctrines by Dave Armstrong
- Conscience and Authority by Dr. Jeff Mirus
- Development of Doctrine by Dave Armstrong
- Historical Development in the Understanding of Doctrinal Development of the Apostolic Deposit by Dave Armstrong
- Questions I Challenge
- Sacred Oral Tradition in the Early Church by Mark J. Bonocore
- Scripture and Tradition, The Rule of Faith in Patristic Thought by Joe Gallegos and edited by Phil Porvaznik
- Searching for Authority By Christopher Dixon
- St. Athanasius on Holy Scripture, Tradition, and Catholic Doctrine
- That They May All Be One By Thomas J. Nash
- The Catholic Religion Proved by the Protestant Bible
- The Church Always Had Monarchical Bishops by Mark J. Bonocore
- The Church or The Bible by Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J.
- The Early Monarchical Episcopate by Mark J. Bonocore
- The Great Revolt Against Christ
- The Infallible Magisterium of the Catholic Church by Catholics United for the Faith
- Where in the Bible by Steven Kellmeyer
- Oral Tradition in the New Testament by David Palm
- The Church Fathers and Apostolic Succession by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Infallibilty of the Ecumenical Councils by Joe Gallegos
- The Church or the Bible by Fr. Arnold Damon
- Bad arguments against the Magisterium by Michael Liccione
- You cannot bear it now and the Development of Doctrine
- Baptism
- An Overview of Baptism
- Apostolic and Early Church Teaching on Baptism by Dave Armstrong
- Baptism by Immersion Only
- Baptism for the Dead by Dave Armstrong
- Baptism, Immersion Only by Catholic Answers
- Baptismal Regeneration by Mark J. Bonocore
- Born Again, Baptism in the Early Fathers by Phil Porvaznik
- Church Fathers on Baptism by Dave Armstrong
- Church Fathers on Infant Baptism
- Church Fathers on Tradition, Eucharist, and Baptism
- Does Christian Baptism Nullify Jewish Identity by Rabbi Jeffrey Wolfson Goldwasser
- Early Teachings on Infant Baptism by Catholic Answers
- Faith and Baptism by Steve Ray
- Infant Baptism by Catholic Answers
- Infant Baptism by Mark J. Bonocore
- Things Needed to Prove to refute Infant baptism
- Why The Church Baptizes Babies by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Church Fathers and Triune Baptism by Joe Gallegos
- A List of Verses Concerning Baptism
- The Necessity of Baptism by Catholic Answers
- OT Baptism Verses
- The Church Fathers and Born Again by Joe Gallegos
- Prefigurations of Baptism in the OT by St. Ambrose
- Trinitarian Baptism
- The Church Fathers on Baptismal Regeneration by Bryan Cross
- Bible
- 5 Myths about 7 Books by Mark Shea
- A Catholic Understanding of Biblical Inerrancy by Edward P. Sri
- A History of the Bible by Victor R. Claveau
- A sampling of what the Catholic Church has taught about reading the Bible from the fourth century
- Allusions to the Deuterocannonicals
- Apocrypha by Dave Armstrong
- Are All the Biblical Books Self Attesting by Dave Armstrong
- Are the stories in the Bible True by Matthew Pinto
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- Biblical Scholarship and the Faith of the Church by Kenneth D. Whitehead
- Defending the Deuterocannonicals by James Akin
- Deuterocanonical References by James Akin
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- How to Read the First Chapter of Genesis by George Sim Johnston
- Latin or Vernacular Bibles
- Major Church Pronouncements on the Bible
- Making Sense Out of Scripture by Edward Sri
- NIV bias by Steve Ray
- Old Testament Canon by Michael Barber
- Protocanon, Deuterocanon, Apocrypha by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Allegorical Sense of Scripture by Mark Shea
- The Beloved Disciple and Author of the Fourth Gospe by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Bible by David Goldstein
- The Books of the Bible by John Hellmann
- The Church's Interpretation of Scripture
- The Historicity of Gospel Accounts of the Nativity by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Interpretation of the Bible in the Church by the Pontifical Biblical Commission to Pope John Paul II
- The Old Testament Canon by James Akin
- The Two Cannons, Scripture and Tradition by James Akin
- Where Did the Bible Come From by R. J. Grigaitis
- Where We Got the Bible by Rev Henry G. Graham
- Whose Bible Is It Anyway by Karl Keating
- Free From All Error: The Holy Scriptures by Rev. William G. Most Part 1
- Free From All Error: The Holy Scriptures by Rev. William G. Most Part 2
- Free From All Error: The Holy Scriptures by Rev. William G. Most Part 3
- The Jewish People and Their Scriptures in the Christian Bible Part 1
- The Jewish People and Their Scriptures in the Christian Bible Part 2
- The Church Fathers and the Church and the Canon by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Deuterocanonical Books by Joe Gallegos
- Why Catholics Have Seven More Books by Catholics United for the Faith
- Jamnia and the Deuterocanonicals
- Major Church Pronouncements on the Bible
- Protocanon, Deuterocanon, Apocrypha by Catholics United for the Faith
- Saving Judith and Tobit
- Is the book of Esther in the canon of scripture
- Tradition and lexicon how to interpret scripture
- Why didn't Nicea address the canon
- Did Some Church Fathers Reject the deuterocanonicals by Matt1618
- How to Untangle the Numbering of the Psalms by Taylor Marshall
- Sirach by Taylor Marshall
- The Canon as its own Measure by Tim A. Troutman
- The Canon of Scripture by Frederick P. Pogorzelski
- The Harmony of the Gospels by Michal Hunt
- Answering 9 Protestant Arguements about the Bible
- Communion of Saints
- Praising Mary and the Saints is Biblically Correct by Pat Madrid
- Prayers for the Dead by Dave Armstrong
- Praying to the Saints by James Akin
- The Communion of Saints by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Communion of Saints by Dave Armstrong
- The Communion of Saints, Dead or Alive in Christ by David Lamb
- What is a Saint by James Akin
- Why Pray to the Saints in Heaven
- Answering Objections to the Intercession of the Saints by Jude Walker
- Communion of Saints by Steve Ray
- The Church Fathers and the Veneration and Invocation of the Saints by Joe Gallegos
- Did Clavin advocate praying to or for the dead
- Onesiphorus and St. Paul's Prayer for the Dead
- Relics, A reply to Treuman by Matt Yonke
- St. Augustine on veneration to the saints
- The Heroes of the New Covenant by Bryan Cross
- Church
- Church Must Defend Its Basic Beliefs Against All by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted
- Frequently Asked Questions about the Catholic Church by Paul Whitcomb
- Scripture Proves the Church by Gary Shirley
- The Church, Extension of the Incarnation by Padro
- The Continuity of the Catholic Church by The Most Reverend Duane G. Hunt D.D.
- The Necessaity of the Church by Dwight Longenecker
- The Role of the Holy Spirit in Forming the Church by Padro
- The Salvation History of the Catholic Church by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Splendor of the Catholic Church by Scott Hahn
- The Visible, Hierarchial, and Apostolic Church by Dave Armstrong
- Without the Church There Is No Salvation by Catholics United for the Faith
- Calling the Sons and Daughters of the Church to Faithfulness
- The Church Fathers and the Unity of the Catholic Church by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Visbility of the Catholic Church by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the word Catholic by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Hierarchical Structure of the Catholic Church by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Idefectibility of the Catholic Church by Joe Gallegos
- Quotes about the Church
- Christ founded a visible church
- Ecclesial Deism
- St. Cyril on the need for creed
- St. Thomas on the unity of the church
- Why Protestanism has no visible church
- Evangelical Reunion in the Catholic Church by Bryan Cross
- St. Ignatius on the Church
- The Uniqueness of the Catholic Church by Mark Shea
- Unity and Beauty by Tim TroutmaN
- What is Church by Tom Riello
- Church Fathers
- Apostolic Fathers of the Church
- Church History Timeline
- Doctors of the Church
- Early Christianity by Rev. John Hardon, S.J.
- St. Augustine, Reformed Protestants or Catholics closer to his teaching by Dave Armstrong
- The Early Church Fathers I Never Saw by Marcus Grodi
- The Witness of the Church Fathers With Regard to Catholic Distinctives
- Timeline of the Fathers by Steve Ray
- Unanimous Consent by Steve Ray
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 1
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 2
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 3
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 4
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 5
- Topical Reference to the Beliefs of the Church Fathers by Dave Armstrong Part 6
- A Primer on the Church Fathers by Joe Gallegos
- Church Fathers FAQ by Joe Gallegos
- First Christian Timeline
- St. Augustine and Catholic Beliefs
- The Early Church Fathers in the First Two Centuries and Catholic Distinctives
- Ancient Witnesses to the Catholic Faith, The Didache by Msgr. Charles Pope
- Confession
- Whose Sins You Forgive, Confession and Penacne in the Fathers by Phil Porvaznik
- Biblical Overview on Penance by Dave Armstrong
- Confession & Penance by The Bishops of Pennsylvania
- Confession Explained by Mark J. Bonocore
- Doing Penance by James Akin
- The Biblical Basis of the Sacrament of Reconciliation by Catholics United for the Faith
- General Absolution by Fr William Saunders
- Making a Good Confession by Fr William Saunders
- Why do we have to go to confession to receive God by Matthew Pinto
- The Church Fathers and Confession by Joe Gallegos
- Confirmation
- The Graces of Confirmation by Catholics United for the Faith
- Biblical Evidence For the Sacrament of Confirmation by Dave Armstrong
- Confirmation and the Early Church Fathers by Catholic Answers
- Confirmation by Catholic Encyclopedia
- Confirmation by Charles Mangan
- Confirmation, 7 Symbols, 1 Sacrament by Rev Thomas Richstatter
- Confirmation, A Deepening of Or Christian Identity by Carol Luebering
- Confirmation, Sacrament of the Spirit by Rev Thomas Richstatter
- Confirmation and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Fr William Saunders
- Sacrament of Confirmation, Knighthood in the Kingdom Family of God by Thomas Sullivan
- What difference does Confirmation make by Joseph Martos
- The Church Fathers and Confirmation by Joe Gallegos
- Clarifying the Confusion on Confirmation by Msgr. Charles Pope
- Creationism and Evolution
- Does Science Allow for a Literal Adam and Eve
- Theistic Evolution and the Roman Catholic Church
- The Evolution of Bible-Science
- Science and Religion
- Questions and Answers on Evolution
- In the Beginning
- God and Evolution
- Evidence for Evolution and an Old Earth
- Different Kinds of Darwinism
- Creation and Evolution
- Communion and Stewardship
- Catholic Dogma and Teaching on Creation
- Adam, Eve, and Hominid Fossil Record
- Cardinal Ratzinger's Thoughts on Evolution
- Evolution, What the Popes Said by James Akin
- Who developed the big bang theory
- Crusades
- Crusade Myths by Thomas F. Madden
- Crusade Propaganda by Thomas F. Madden
- Modern Aftermath of the Crusades by Robert Spencer
- Not Conspiracies but Mistakes, The Crusades by Vincent Ryan
- Rethinking the Crusade by William Urban
- Rethinking the Crusades by Jonathan Riley Smith
- The Crusade by Ann W. Carroll
- The Crusades and Their Critics by James Hitchcock
- The Crusades by Paul Crawford
- The Real History of the Crusades by Thomas F. Madden
- The Truth About the Crusades by Benjamin D. Wiker
- What the Crusades Were Really Like by Thomas F. Madden
- Economics
- Distributism, A Catholic System of Economics by Donald P. Goodman
- Introduction to Distributivism
- The Distributism Debate by Dane J. Weber and Donald P. Goodman
- A Look at the Legitimacy of Private Property
- Catholic Doctrine Regarding Free Competition and the Use of Private Property
- Catholicism and Capitalism by Murray Rothbard
- Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII
- The Catholic View of Economics
- Three Catholic Cheers for Capitalism by Thomas Woods
- Work and Wages
- Eschatology
- A Catholic View of the Rapture by Ronald L. Conte Jr.
- Destined for Glory by Chris Cuddy
- Dispensing with the Rapture by Thomas J. Nash
- Hunting the Whore of Babylon by James Akin
- Revelation Timeline
- The Church in Prophecy by New Advent Encyclopedia
- The Church, The Millennium, & the Rapture by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Flow of Time in Revelation by James Akin
- The Structure of Revelation by James Akin
- The Whore of Babylon and the Book of Revelation by Scott Hahn
- Progressive Parallelism
- The Recapitulation of the book Revelation
- Is Satan Currently Bound
- Revelation 20 and Amillennialism by William Cox
- Amillenialism vs Premillenialism
- Millenial views
- Revelation 20
- 21 Facts About the Antichrist in Sacred Scripture
- Eucharist
- Eucharist Quizzes to a Street Preacher
- Evangelical Protestant Critics on the Eucharist and the Fathers
- From Jewish Passover to Christian Eucharist, The Story of the Todah by Tim Gray
- Jesus Our Eucharist by Marco A. Fallon
- Questions about the Eucharist
- St. Augustine's Belief in the Real Presence by Dave Armstrong
- St. Augustine on the Eucharist by Phil Porvaznik
- St. Augustine's Real Faith in the Real Presence by Cat Clark
- Tertullian, St. Cyprian, and St. Clement of Alexandria on the Eucharist by Phil Porvaznik
- The Biblical Eucharist by Brian MacMichael
- The Eucharist and Baptism by Adam Janke
- The Eucharist by Chris Robinson
- The Eucharistic Sacrifice by Sean M. Brooks
- The Grammar of the Last Supper and Eucharistic Sacrifice by Vincent Arong
- The Real Presence
- This is My Body, Eucahrist in the Early Fathers
- The Church Fathers and Transubstantiaton by Joe Gallegos
- Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion by Cardinal Ratzinger
- The Eucharist: Powerpoint Presentation by Ty Jackson
- Worthiness to Receive Holy Communion by Cardinal Ratzinger
- The fourth cup by Scott Hahn
- The rock of Moses foretells the Eucharistic table
- Christ Washed His Garment in Wine by Taylor Marshall
- Real Presence, Does it mean Cannabalism by Time Troutman
- St. Paul's Use of the Word Eucharist by Taylor Marshall
- The Church Fathers on Transubstantiation by Tim Troutman
- Was Jesus Really Crucified with the Passover Lambs by Brant Pitre
- Galileo
- Galileo and the Inquisition by William E. Carroll
- Galileo by Ann W. Carroll
- The Galileo Affair by George Sim Johnston
- Galileo and the Inquisition by Jose Wudka
- Dialogue on the Galileo Fiasco by Dave Armstrong
- Galileo and the Catholic Church by Robert Lockwood
- Galileo by Dave Armstrong
- The Galileo Controversy by Catholic Answers
- Why Did the Catholic Church Condemn Galileo by Catholic Answers
- Why the Galileo Case Doesnt disprove Infallibilty by Dave Armstrong
- Holy Matrimony
- Marriage Exception in Matthew 19:9
- Quest for Holiness in the Sacrament of Matrimony by Peter W. Frey, Ph.D.
- Early Church Teaching on Divorce by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J.
- Biblical Evidence for the Prohibition of Divorce by Dave Armstrong
- Biblical Evidence For the Sacrament of Matrimony by Dave Armstrong
- For Better or for Worse by Mary Ann Glendon
- In Defense of the Family by Maggie Gallagher
- Marital Anger by Richard Fitzsimmons
- Marriage, the Mystery of Faithful Love by Alice von Hildebrand
- Of Human Life, the Truth of Married Love by Archbishop Chaput
- Von Hildebrand on Love
- The Church Fathers and Holy Matrimony by Joe Gallegos
- Church Fathers that Allowed Remarriage after Divorce
- Jesus on Divorce and Remarriage
- May a Divorce Person Remarry
- Porneia, Divorce, and Remarriage
- The Early Church Fathers on Divorce and Remarriage
- The Permanence of Matrimony
- Were there Remarriages in the Early Church
- Can non-catholics receive the sacrament of marriage
- Indulgences
- Indulgence Flowchart by Ty Jackson
- Indulgences
- Indulgences by Catholics United for the Faith
- Myths about Indulgences by James Akin
- A Primer on Indulgences by James Akin
- Explicit Biblical Evidence for Indulgences by Dave Armstrong
- How to Get an Indulgence by Catholic Answers
- Indulgences by New Advent Encyclopedia
- Indulgences in Holy Scripture by Victor Claveau
- Jewish Indulgences by Victor Claveau
- Indulgences and the Treasury of Merit by Bryan Cross
- St. Thomas on Penance by Bryan Cross
- Inquisition
- Inquisition by James Hitchcock
- Inquisition In the Catholic Church by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Holy Inquisition, Myth or Reality by Dr. Marian Horvat, Ph.D.
- The Inquisition by Fr. William G. Most
- The Inquisition Reexamined by Carey J. Winters
- The Role of Inquisition in Europe by Catholics United for the Faith
- Beyond the Myth of The Inquisition by Fr. Brian Van Hove S.J.
- How the Inquisition Began by Mark Fellows
- Dave Hunt and the Spanish Inquisition by Phil Porvaznik
- The Inquisition and the Church by Joseph Jenkins
- Justification
- Covenants and Salvation
- Grace and Predestination by Padro
- Is Sola Fide a Legitimate Development of Patristic and Augustinian Soteriology by Dave Armstrong
- Jewish and Christian Boasting in Romans by James Akin
- Justification
- Justification and Its Causes Chart
- Justification by Christ Alone by James Akin
- Justification by Faith Alone by James Akin
- Justification by Grace Alone by James Akin
- Justification in Catholic Teaching by James Akin
- Justification in James 2 by James Akin
- Justification, Sanctification, and Merit by Padro
- Once Saved, Always Saved, A Verse by Verse Anlaysis
- Paul and the Law by James Akin
- Predestination and Free Will by David E. Utsler
- Predestination, Salavation, and Damnation, Calvinism and Catholicism Contrasted
- Q and A on Faith Alone by Adam Janke
- Q and A on Salvation
- Reflections on Judgment and Sufficient Knowledge for Salvation by Dave Armstrong
- Reply to James White on Romans 4 and Justification by Ben Douglass
- Resisting and Cooperating With God by James Akin
- Righteousness and Merit by James Akin
- Salvation and Justification by Todd von Kampen
- Salvation by John Pacheco
- Salvation Past, Present, and Future by James Akin
- Sola Gratia, Solo Christo, and the Roman Catholic Doctrine of Justification by Richard A. White
- Temporal and Eternal Salvation by James Akin
- The Catholic Teaching on Predestination by David E. Utsler
- The Church's Teaching on Justification by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Justifications of Abraham by James Akin
- The Perseverance of the Saints by John Jefferson Davis
- The Plan of Salvation
- The Works of the Law by James Akin
- What Must a Catholic Do to be Saved by Padro
- Works of the Law by James Akin
- Biblical Catholic Teaching on Justification and Salvation
- By Grace Through Faith, What is Salvation by Padro
- Church fathers on Romans 2-4 by Dave Armstrong
- Colossians 1:24 by Catechetics Online
- Justification Outline by Josh Schwartz
- Church Fathers on Sola Fide by Matt1618 Part 1
- Church Fathers on Sola Fide by Matt1618 Part 2
- The Church Fathers and Sola Fide
- The Church Fathers on Salutary Works Require Grace by Joe Gallegos
- Invincible Ignorance by James Akin
- The Church Fathers and Faith and Works by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Infused Righeousness by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Once Saved Not Always Saved by Joe Gallegos
- Invincible Ignorance by James Akin
- Verses that Demonstrate Conditional Security
- Does the Bible Teach Sola Fide
- Aquinas on instant a progressive justification
- Can a Christian lose his salvation
- Does St. Jerome teach justification by faith alone
- Preternatural gifts and supernatural gift of grace
- The order of justification in Thomas Aquinas
- Catholic and Reformed Conceptions of the Atonement by Bryan Cross
- List of New Testament Scriptures that Show you can lose your slavation my Matt1618
- Reformed Imputation and the Lord's Prayer by Bryan Cross
- St. Augustine on Law and Grace by Bryan Cross
- The Mechanics of Sin and Redemption in Catholic Theology by Taylor Marshall
- δικαιόω, a morphological, lexical and historical analysis by David Pell
- Kingdom
- Matthew, Gospel of Fulfillment by Scott Hahn
- Scripture Verses that Show that the Catholic Church is the Kingdom of God by Bob Stanley
- Typology and the Mystery of the Kingdom in Matthew by Christopher Cuddy
- Jesus and the Restoration of the Davidic Kingdom by Michael Barber and Brant Pitre
- Kingdom and Church in Luke and Acts by Scott Hahn
- Kingdom of God by New Advent Encyclopedia
- The Kingdom of God
- Redemptoris Missio by Pope Jphn Paul II
- The Kingdom of God in Scripture by Scott Hahn Part 1
- The Kingdom of God in Scripture by Scott Hahn Part 2
- Mary
- Church Fathers on Mary as Ark of the New Covenant
- Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix of All Graces, and Advocate by Msgr. Charles M. Mangan
- Defense of the Perpetual Virginity of Our Lady by Phil Porvaznik
- Did Jesus Renounce Marian Veneration by Dave Armstrong
- Early Protestants on the Perpetual Virginty of Mary by Dave Armstrong
- Full of Grace and the Linguistic and Exegetical Considerations by Dave Armstrong
- Great Lady, Queen Mother in the Old Testament
- Human, Pauline, and Marian Distribution of Divine Graces by Dave Armstrong
- Immaculate Conception of The Blessed Virgin Mary
- Immaculate Conception, Assumption, and Queenship of Mary by Mark J. Bonocore
- In Defense of the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Mother By John of Ecclesia Militans
- Jesus' Brothers and Mary's Perpetual Virginity by Mark J. Bonocore
- Mary and Romans 3:23
- Mary and the Muslims by Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
- Mary as Mediatrix, The Patristic, Medieval, and Orthodox Evidence by Dvae Armstrong
- Mary in the Bible
- Mary Shows Us God's Respect for Women by Pope John Paul II
- Mary Worship by Orestes A. Brownson
- Mary, Conceived Without Sin by Catholics United for the Faith
- Mary, Mother of God by Larry and Joetta Lewis
- Mary, Saints, Worship, and Salvation by Steve Ray
- Mary, The Mother of God by Apolonio Latar
- Mary's Other Children by Father C.F. Devine C.SS.R.
- Mary's Perpetual Virginity by Catholics United for the Faith
- Mary's Role in Our Salvation by Catholics United for the Faith
- Mary's Role in the Redemption by Apolonio Latar
- One Mediator
- Perpetual Virginity of Mary by Br. Anthony Opisso, M.D.
- Q and A on Mary
- Satan's Number One Enemy
- Several Objections against Mary
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Juniper Carol
- The Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Other Children
- The Blessed Virgin Mary by David Goldstein
- The Brothers and Sisters of Christ by Catholics United for the Faith
- The First Marian Dogma, Mary Mother of God by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Immaculate Conception of the Mother of God by Juniper Carol
- The Immaculate Conception, the Bible, and the Church Fathers
- The Key to Understanding Mary by by James Akin
- The Meaning of Kecharitomene, Full of Grace by pfairban
- The Perpetual Virginity of Mary and Divine Faith by Padro
- The Perpetual Virginty of Blessed Mary by St. Jerome
- We All Have the same Status in Heaven
- A Biblical and Theological Primer on Mary as Mediatrix by Dave Armstrong
- All Have Sinned by Dave Armstrong
- Assumption and Queenship of Mary by Steve Ray
- Biblical Overview, The Blessed Virgin Mary by Dave Armstrong
- Catholic Marian Doctrines, A Breif Biblical Primer by Dave Armstrong
- The Church Fathers and the Perpetual Virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Veneration of the blessed Virgin Mary by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Devotion to and Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Mary as Theotokos by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Immaculate Conception by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Bodily Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Joe Gallegos
- Was Jesus the "first born" of many children
- Arguments for the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
- Augustine on the perpetual virginity of Mary
- The Virgin Mary as Ezekial's closed gate
- The wedding at Cana
- Biblical Evidence for the Perpetual Virginity of Mary
- Martin Luther on the Immaculate Conception
- Mary as CoRedemptrix by Bryan Cross
- Mary without Sin by Taylor Marshall
- Mary, Ark of the New Covenant by Steve Ray
- Mary's painlessness in childbirth by Taylor Marshall
- Rulers of Judah and Their Queen Mothers by Michal Hunt
- St. Cyril, Mary as Mediatrix in Church Fathers by Taylor Marshall
- The Feast of the Assumption Is Our Feast Too by Msgr. Charles Pope
- The Virgin Mary as Ark of the New Covenant by Michal Hunt
- Mass
- How Do Catholics Hear The Gospel by Gary Michuta
- Scriptural Foundations for the Mass by Victor R. Claveau
- Scripture in the Order of the Mass
- The Biblical Origins of the Mass by Tom Nash
- The Mass Realized in the Book of Revelation by M. Hunt
- The Nicene Creed and the Mass by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Relationship of the Cross and the Mass by Apolonio Latar
- A Simple Explanation of the Mass by Noah Carter
- Attendance at Mass
- The Mass
- Christian Worship in the First Century by Tim Troutman
- The Biblical and Heavenly Roots of the Sacred Liturgy
- Why is Sunday Mass an Obligation by Taylor Marshall
- Misc
- Christ's Descent into Hell by Catholics United for the Faith
- Did the Spiritual Gifts Cease by Dave Armstrong
- Different Kinds of Tongues by Dave Armstrong
- Dogmas of the Catholic Church
- Ecumenical Councils
- Genealogy of Christian Faith Communities
- God or Goddess, Our Heavenly Father Knows Best by Catholics United for the Faith
- How to become a Catholic by James Akin
- Internet Evangelization
- Just Grape Juice, The Sober Truth about Biblical Wine by Catholics United for the Faith
- Miracles of Jesus
- Motherhood, Woman's Gift to Society by Pope John Paul II
- Sabbath and the First Day by John Raphael Hellmann
- St. Paul Timeline by Steve Ray
- Sunday is the Lord's Day by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Division of the Ten Commandments by James Akin
- The Fittingness of Christ as Male by Padro
- The Genealogies of Christ by James Akin
- The Human Knowledge of Christ by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Seven Covenants by Steve Ray
- Top 10 Questions Fundamentalists Find Most Annoying by James Akin
- What Time of the Day Was Chrsit Crucified by Steve Ray
- Why Be Catholic By James Akin
- A Quick Guide for Evangelizing
- Answers From Rick Head
- Apologetics Study by Steve Clifford
- The Church Fathers and Ex Nihilo by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Sunday Worship by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Angels by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Immortality of the Soul by Joe Gallegos
- The First Christian Timeline
- Flowchart of Catholic Doctrine
- Constructing a Logical Argument
- Atheist and Skeptical Objections to Christianity
- On Whether Atheism is Inherently more Rational and Scientific
- The Obedience of Faith
- Medical Aspects of the Crucifixion by David Terasaka
- 150 Reasons why I am Catholic by Dave Armstrong
- Symbolism of the Carmelite Crest
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- Original sin, Why are should we be punished for someone else's sin
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- The Doctrine of Original Sin
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- Dialogue with a Mormon Apologist on the Christian Doctrine of God by Dave Armstrong Part 2
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- Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life by the Pontifical Council for Culture Part 2
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- The Biblical, Primitive Papacy Part 2 by Dave Armstrong
- The Council of Chalcedon and the Papacy by Mark J. Bonocore
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- The Primacy of Peter, the Papacy, and Apostolic Succession by Mark J. Bonocore
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- The Title Pontifex Maximus by Mark J. Bonocore
- Vicarius Filii Dei
- Was St. Peter Ever in Rome by Phil Porvaznik
- 50 New Testament Proofs for Petrine Primacy
- Answering Questions about the Papacy and the Keys
- Biblical Evidence for Papal and Church Infallibility by Dave Armstrong
- Biblical Support for the Terms Holy Father and Vicar of Christ by Dae Armstrong
- The Church Fathers and the Primacy of the Apostolic See by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Peter in Patristic Thought by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and Peter's Presence in Rome by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers and the Authority Claimed by the Pope by Joe Gallegos
- Papacy & Church Authority Outline by Josh Schwartz
- The Papacy by Ty Jackson
- Primacy of Rome by Ty Jackson
- Christ Alone is the Head of the Church by Tim Troutman
- Infallibility and Epistemology by Tim Troutman
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- Appetites and Intellects by Tom Brown
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- A Strong Leader, Pius XII by Raymond A. Lucker
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- How Pius XII Protected Jews by Jimmy Akin.doc
- Mit Brennender Sorge by Pope Pius XI
- Most Of Rome's Jews were Saved by Mr. Nikolaus Kunkel
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- Pius XII and the Jews by David G. Dalin
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- Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
- Pope Pius XII and the Jews by Sr. Margherita Marchione
- Pope Pius XII Hero of the Holocaust
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- They Must Never Be Forgotten, Priest and Nuns who Rescued People from the Holocaust by Sally M. Rogow
- Towards an Evaluation of Pius XII by Pietro De Marco
- Was Christianity Responsible for the Holocaust by Helen M. Valois
- When Rome's Religous Houses Saved Jews by Sister Grazia Loparco
- 800,000 saved by Pius XII by Donald DeMarco
- A Friend in Word and Deed, Pope Pius XII by by Thomas J. Nash
- A Question of Judgment, Pius XII and the Jews by Dr. Joseph L. Lichten
- A Righteous Gentile, Pius XII by Rabbi David G. Dalin
- A Son of the Church of Pius XII Breaks the Silence on His Sanctity by Sandro Magister
- Priesthood & Holy Orders
- Call No Man Father by Catholics United for the Faith
- Call No Man Father by Phil Porvaznik
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- Priestly Celibacy by Catholics United for the Faith
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- The Priesthood Debate by James Akin
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- The Church Fathers and Holy Orders by Joe Gallegos
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- Historical Development of Calling Priests Father by Taylor Marshall
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- Some Are Incapable of Marriage Because They Were Born So by Msgr. Charles Pope
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- Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead by Victor Claveau
- Purgatory, Holy Fire by Scott Hahn
- The Church Fathers and Purgatory by Joe Gallegos
- The Church Fathers on Purgatory and 1 Cor 3,15
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- Catholic Sacraments, Vehicles of Grace
- Form of the Sacraments by New Advent Encyclopedia
- Intention in the Sacraments by New Advent Encyclopedia
- Matter of the Sacraments by New Advent Encyclopedia
- Ordinary and extraordinary ministers of the sacraments
- Sacraments by New Advent Encyclopedia Part 1
- Sacraments by New Advent Encyclopedia Part 2
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- Catholic Scripture Cheatsheet edited by Ty Jackson from
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- Scripture Verses that Support Catholic Doctrine Part 1
- Scripture Verses that Support Catholic Doctrine Part 2
- Catholic Doctrines In Scripture by Greg Oatis Part 1
- Catholic Doctrines In Scripture by Greg Oatis Part 2
- Catholic Doctrines In Scripture by Greg Oatis Part 3
- Sin
- The Biblical Reality of Mortal Sin by Catholics United for the Faith
- The Truth Hurts, Mortal Sin by Marco A. Fallon
- The Unforgivable Sin by James Akin
- A List of the Types of Sins
- Church Fathers on Mortal Sin by Catholic Answers
- Degrees Of Sin
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- Occasions of Sin by New Advent Encyclopedia
- Sin by New Advent Encyclopedia
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- Questions I Challenge Christians to Pray About
- Questions For Bible Christians by David Palm
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- The Practical Problems of Sola Scriptura by James Akin
- Did the Church Fathers Believe in Sola Scriptura by Joseph Gallegos
- Sola Scripura, A Stony Path by by Marcus C. Grodi
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- Is Sola Scriptura in the Bible by Bryan Cross
- So All Could Understand by Tom Brown
- Solo Scriptura by Bryan Cross
- The Canon Question by Tom Brown
- Is Scripture Sufficient by Sean Patrick
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- A Basic Theology of Marriage
- A Compelling, Bold, Biblical Response to the Sexual Revolution
- A Response to the Critique of the Theology of the Body
- In-Vitro Fertilization and the Hermenuetic of Gift
- JP II's Theology of the Body as a Key to an Authentic Marital and Family Spirituality
- The Theology of the Body and the New Evangelization
- What is the Theology of the Body
- What the Church Really Teaches about Responsible Parenthood by Christopher West
- A Pure Way of Looking at Others by Christopher West
- Christians dont value sex enough by Christopher West
- Contraception and the Language of the Body by Christopher West
- Contraception vs Natural Family Planning by Christopher West
- Humanae Vitae and True Sexual Freedom by Christopher West
- Living the Theology of Our Bodies by Christopher West
- Love's Irresistible Promise of Happiness by Christopher West
- Reflections on the Song of Songs by Christopher West
- Sexual Love as it was Meant to Be by Christopher West
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- Dialogue with a Jehovahs Witness on the Trinity by Dave Armstrong Part 2
- Dialogue with a Jehovahs Witness on the Trinity by Dave Armstrong Part 3
- The Church Fathers and God the Son by Joe Gallegos
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- The Church Fathers and the Holy Trinity by Joe Gallegos
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- The Church vs Protestant Denomination by Padro
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- Were the Waldenses Primitive Protestants by Dave Armstrong
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- Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 4A
- Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 4B
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 1
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 2
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 3
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 4
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 5
- Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Part 6
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 100-200
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 600-700
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 900-1000
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 1200-1300
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 1600-1700
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- Sources of Catholic Dogma 2000-2100
- Sources of Catholic Dogma 2100-2200
- Sources of Catholic Dogma 2200-2300
- Sources of Catholic Dogma 2300-2400
- sources of catholic dogma appendix
- Ecumenical Councils
- The First Council at Nicea, 325
- The First General Council of Constantinople, 381
- The General Council of Ephesus, 431
- The General Council of Chalcedon, 451
- The Second General Council of Constantinople, 553
- The Third General Council of Constantinople, 680-81
- The Second General Council of Nicaea, 787
- The Fourth General Council of Constantinople, 869-70
- The First General Council of the Lateran, 1123
- The Second General Council of the Lateran, 1139
- The Third General Council of the Lateran, 1179
- The Fourth General Council of the Lateran, 1215
- The First General Council of Lyons, 1245
- The General Council of Vienne, 1311-12
- The General Council of Constance, 1414-18
- The General Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence, 1431-45
- The Fifth General Council of the Lateran, 1512-17
- The General Council of Trent, 1545-63
- The First General Council of the Vatican, 1869-70
- The Second General Council of the Vatican, 1962-65
- Ad Gentes - Decree on the Missionary Activity of the Church - 12/7/1965
- Apostolicam Actuositatem - Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity - 11/18/1965
- Christus Dominus - Decree on the Bishops - 10/28/1965
- Dei Verbum - Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - 11/18/1965
- Dignitatis Humanae - Declaration on Religious Freedom - 12/7/1965
- Gaudium et Spes - Constitution on the Church in the Modern World - 12/7/1965
- Gravissimum Educationis - Declaration on Christian Education - 10/28/1965
- Inter Mirifica - Decree on the Media of Social Communications - 12/4/1963
- Lumen Gentium - Dogmatic Constitution on the Church - 11/21/1964
- Nostra Aetate - Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions - 10/28/1965
- Optatam Totius - Decree on Priestly Training - 10/28/1965
- Orientalium Ecclesiarum - Decree on Catholic Churches of Eastern Rite - 11/21/1964
- Perfectae Caritatis - On the Renewal of Religious Life - 10/28/1965
- Presbyterorum Ordinis - Decree on the Ministry and Life of Priests - 12/7/1964
- Sacrosanctum Concilium - Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy - 12/4/1963
- Unitatis Redintegratio - Decree on Ecumenism - 11/21/1964
- The Second General Council of Lyons, 1274
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